Brimfield Awakening
The Brimfield Block
The Brimfield Block
Abbys Tekstiler Søndre gt.
Søndre gate 25
7010 Trondheim

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The Brimfield Block
This is an English Paper Piecing (EPP)
pattern that will make a finished quilt that measures 61″ x 47″.
The EPP segment is appliqued onto a square of fabric to make a complete block.
There are 12 blocks in a quilt.
This block is inspired by an orphaned quilt block
unearthed at the Brimfield Antiques
Show in Massachusetts.
The beauty of this quilt pattern is the two negative spaces
that result when the blocks are assembled
– both inside each block and within the lattice work
of the pieced blocks.
The secondary Crosses for Quilting pattern
that gets revealed once the blocks are
pieced together lends itself to beautiful quilting work.
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