The Patchwork Place
Simple Christmas Tidings Bøker
Simple Christmas Tidings Bøker
Abbys Tekstiler Søndre gt.
Søndre gate 25
7010 Trondheim

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Simple Christmas Tidings Bøker
kim Diehl’s first-ever Christmas book, you’ll find decoration inspiration
for your family’s celebration. Revel in the sight of gracious rooms
all dressed up for the holidays in Kim’s signature style.
Enjoy more than a dozen festive projects, including a table topper,
throw pillow, tree skirt, wall hangings and lap quilts, ornaments, door hangers, stockings, and more.
Welcome the winter season with Kim’s tips for decorating your home with yuletide flair.
Enrich your table with Kim’s scrumptious holiday recipes.
128 pages
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