By Annie Renaissance Ribbons Bags

By Annie

By Annie Renaissance Ribbons Bags

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By Annie Renaissance Ribbons Bags

Abbys Tekstiler Søndre gt.

Henting tilgjengelig, vanligvis klar på 24 timer

Søndre gate 25
7010 Trondheim


Renaissance Ribbons Bags By Annie

Add a little luxury to your daily routine! Use a variety of ribbons and borders to make these simple, quick bags into exquisite masterpieces. Renaissance Ribbon Bags are perfect for travel or everyday use and great for gifts, too!
You’ll love the extra-easy zipper installation and beautifully-finished interior no unfinished seams!
The flat-bottomed zippered pouches in two sizes stand up and open wide to keep all your essentials in one place. Soft and Stable provides stability and gentle protection for contents. 
The small bag measures 5-3/4in H x 5-1/2in to 7in W x 2in D and the large bag measures 5in H x 7-1/2in to 10-1/2in W x 3in D. The exterior of the bags are made using ribbons and velvet border. We recommend and used ribbons and borders from Renaissance Ribbons.
Renaissance Ribbons exquisite woven jacquard ribbons and their beautiful Velvet Borders are packaged in 1 meter (approx. 39in) pieces. With careful cutting, a 1-meter piece of each 1-1/2in, 3/8in , and 5in ribbon/border will make one small and one large bag.
Each bag uses just one side of a piece of zipper tape, so one 30in double-slide zipper will make both bags!

Add-on Video notice: There is an Add-on Video available for this pattern. The Add-on Video™ is specially designed to support specific parts of the pattern and help the customer learn our best techniques. It doesn't replace pattern it will enhance their sewing experience.
To support local quilt shops, every paper pattern includes a coupon for the value of the Add-on Video. This is a $5.00 value. Customers can then use the coupon to get the video for free on our website.

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