Sallie Tomato
Commuter Mønster
Commuter Mønster
Abbys Tekstiler Søndre gt.
Søndre gate 25
7010 Trondheim

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Commuter Mønster
Sallie Tomato is thrilled to collaborate with Holly & Tanager to bring you the Commuter Bag Pattern! The Commuter has been designed by the critically acclaimed handbag company, Holly & Tanager, and the pattern has been written by Sallie Tomato. This is more than a luxury tote bag. This spacious tote can handle all of your must-have items, and then some. Inside, you can fit up to a 15” laptop or tablet, shoes, books, water bottle and more. Slide your smartphone into the signature Holly & Tanager slash pocket and carry your flair for fashion wherever you go.
NB. Angrerett, bytte og retur av symønster gjelder kun dersom produktet er ubrukt. Symønster som tilbakesendes uten eller med brutt originalemballasje, viser tegn til bruk eller har skader kan ikke byttes eller returneres.