By Annie
By Annie Take A Stand
By Annie Take A Stand
Abbys Tekstiler Søndre gt.
Søndre gate 25
7010 Trondheim

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Stand-up totes in two sizes have an easy-to-install zippered top that opens wide for easy access to the contents. Each Take A Stand tote features an adjustable, detachable carrying strap and plenty of room for supplies and more. Two zippered pockets on the outside of the tote and two inner mesh pockets keep everything organized and easy to view.
The SMALL stand-up tote measures 8.75in (H) x 12in (W) x 6.5in (D).
The LARGE stand-up tote measures 12.5in (H) x 16in (W) x 8in (D)
NB. Angrerett, bytte og retur av symønster gjelder kun dersom produktet er ubrukt. Symønster som tilbakesendes uten eller med brutt originalemballasje, viser tegn til bruk eller har skader kan ikke byttes eller returneres.