By Annie
By Annie Out to Lunch 2.0
By Annie Out to Lunch 2.0
Abbys Tekstiler Søndre gt.
Søndre gate 25
7010 Trondheim

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By Annie Out to Lunch 2.0
Carry lunch (or daily needs) in style in these compact yet roomy bags!
Each features a zip-around, gusseted closure and sturdy base.
Outer slip pockets and interior mesh pockets hold an ice pack, napkins, utensils, and more.
ByAnnie’s Soft and Stable gives great stability, provides insulation for contents, and ensures that the bag will look great after repeated use/laundering.
Finished sizes:
SMALL: 6¼”H x 8½”W x 3″D at top, 6¼”H x 9¾”W x 5¾”D at bottom
LARGE: 8½”H x 8″W x 4¾”D at top, 8½”H x 10″W x 7¾”D at bottom
NB. Angrerett, bytte og retur av symønster gjelder kun dersom produktet er ubrukt. Symønster som tilbakesendes uten eller med brutt originalemballasje, viser tegn til bruk eller har skader kan ikke byttes eller returneres.