By Annie
By Annie Running With Scissors
By Annie Running With Scissors
Abbys Tekstiler Søndre gt.
Søndre gate 25
7010 Trondheim

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You'll love this handy zip-up Tool Case to store and carry a variety of tools, from rotary cutters and scissors to markers, turning tools, small rulers, and more. A variety of easy-to-access pockets in vinyl, mesh, and quilted fabric can be customized to fit the tools you use and love.
Designed in collaboration with popular fabric designer, Tula Pink, the Tool Case will hold Tula's hardware collection or can be customized to fit rotary cutters, rulers, and tools from most manufacturers.
The Tool Case measures 10in H x 12-1/2in W x 1-1/2in D when closed and opens to 12-1/2in H x 20-1/2in W.
NB. Angrerett, bytte og retur av symønster gjelder kun dersom produktet er ubrukt. Symønster som tilbakesendes uten eller med brutt originalemballasje, viser tegn til bruk eller har skader kan ikke byttes eller returneres.