By Annie
By Annie Baby Reise tilbehør Mønster
By Annie Baby Reise tilbehør Mønster
Abbys Tekstiler Søndre gt.
Søndre gate 25
7010 Trondheim

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Quick and easy to make, these fun projects are easy to make and perfect for shower gifts for any new parent.
1. Piddle Pad/Playmat
Babies will love the soft, cushiony feel of this changing pad/playmat made with Soft and Stable. Parents will appreciate the convenience of a pad with pockets for carrying diapering supplies which can be folded to fit into a diaper bag and launders easily.
2. Bottle Carrier
Designed for on-the-go feeding, the Bottle Carrier holds most sizes of baby bottles. Carrier features a zippered closure plus a top handle and side strap with swivel hook closure. Soft and Stable gives good insulation to the bottle. Add a freezer gel pack for added cooling.
3. Pacifier Pouch
The Pacifier Pouch with zippered closure carries pacifiers or small toys in elasticized inner mesh pockets and has a strap for easy attachment to stroller or other bags.
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